interesting thoughts....

Jul 20, 2004 23:52

So I was reading the Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis (book two, Perelandra) and they had an interesting scene. So the hero, Dr. Ransom, is on this alien planet and finds this fruit that is the most delicious fruit he has ever tasted. After he had eaten one he feels refreshed and full, but thinks he wants more. Its at this moment that he realizes that this is the flaw of humanity: we want the greatest good again and again without any of the patience that we put forth to get that good in the first place. So now I was thinking about this, and I realized that some of the major moral dilemmas we have in our time stems from this. Take abortion, for example. Now I don't know what life was like before this was allowed in hospitals, but let's look at it this way: Humans wanted to have sex, but didn't have the patience to wait for the right time. So technology invented this great thing called ABORTION (note my sarcasm) and so now humans can have sex and not have to have a child if the woman gets pregnant. So now I pose this question to you: is it technology's fault that we have become so immoral, or is it our own will to use that technology that makes us immoral?
See, I don't know about anyone else, but I think it's our own will to use technology towards destructive ends that makes us immoral, not technology itself. I believe that in order to be moral we have to have the opportunity to be immoral. I urge you to share your comments on this, It'd make for an interesting discussion.
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