strange dreams......and updating

Apr 11, 2004 22:41

hey everyone. well, first off, school sux, its a ton of work, but i'm actually doing WELL in it! yay. crew's going well, even though we crashed our 8 man boat (arg!), we still managed to get 3rd in our other race (never mind it was only w/ 3 boats......we still got medals, hehe). its fun getting up at 5 am, and my body is finally adjusting, most mornings i get up without an alarm anymore. but, anyway, on to stranger things. so its easter, and i had a strange dream on friday night. so i don't remember much about the dream, 'cept that i died (which wasn't the shocking part, nor sad), but then i became a ghost, and i was all like "WHOA, THIS IS BADASS, I CAN FLY, AND FLOAT THROUGH WALLS.......AWESOME." but as the dream progressed I was slowly becoming sad b/c, as we all know by the unwritten rules of ghosts, you can't touch anyone or anything. this part of the dream i remember vividly. i actually began to weep over not being able to touch anyone, never to feel that sensation ever again. and then it hit me: this is what human beings crave, at least at birth what they're expect. the emotion of love, which, to me at least, is best expressed in a physical way (a hug, a handshake, ANYTHING), can be so easily taken away. i know most people will think i'm a crackpot for thinking this, but nobody, NOBODY, deserves to be separated from society where they can't even touch someone else. i honestly remember drying my eyes after i woke up. i don't know if this makes any sense to anyone, but its just my experience from this dream. ANYWAY, this is me slowly getting back into the habit of livejournaling (which, btw, does not make you gay). if anyone has a comment, feel free to leave it. i just realized i accidentally took off the link on my buddy info to this website, so that'll be corrected soon. other than that dream, life has been somewhat dull lately. o wait, no it hasn't. so many tests, oh, and me/trina broke up. its been rough, i'll admit, but hopefully we'll pull through it as friends. calc II has been kickin my butt lately (mainly b/c i've stopped working on it the last week and a half or so, not a good idea with POWER SERIES as the topic of discussion). and discrete math is getting tougher, but i hope i can pull it up to a B by the end of the semester. History has been as easy as it usually is, unfortunately, due to outside influences which i stupidly let distract me (*trina*), my last paper was not too good. haven't gotten it back yet, but i didn't even start the last 2 questions of the essay, despite pulling an all nighter. i guess i just feel really stupid b/c other people turned it in 2 days late b/c they also didn't finish it, but i stupidly turned mine the day it was DUE (this CRAZY thing called a SCHEDULE that i usually adhere to). Computer science is getting interesting, but also much harder. GUI (graphical-user-interface, for all you non-comp sci people) is really cool, but also a pain in the ass to get all those dang text input boxes to line up with their labels. anyway, that's just me venting. we're making the great game of BattleShip (due April 22nd) which should be VERY COOL, b/c we do it using grids and stuff, and if i can get GUI to work (see definition above), then it'll look ultra cool. i think that covers all my classes. O WAIT, there's guitar. so, been trying to catch up on guitar lately (mainly b/c of lack of practice on my part/lack of teacher showing up to lessons), so that's fun, but not really when i want to take the guitar and smash it against a wall (thank you Animal House for this GREAT idea). fortunately, that idea doesn't come about very often, so it hasn't happened.......yet. anyway, i think i might change to piano for my next fine arts credit. oh, i'm going to a Miamo of OH dance on friday w/ the one, the only, KRISTEN. this should be mucho mucho fun, and then i'm (hopefully) going back to Miami of OH to hang out/ tour the campus, and then just coming back and falling asleep where the crew vans will pick us up the next morning at 5 am (i might sleep, i might not, depends on how awake i am at 3 or 4 am). anyway, that should be mucho fun. so went out to a pre-easter dinner at the maher house this weekend w/ quinn & (obviously) maher. it was fun, and we talked about how to rip people off. anyway, we probably won't ever do it, just b/c of laziness/ not knowing anything about the society we live in & its security. oh, and my B-DAY is coming up YAY. bye bye to the teenage years, and onwards to the future leaders of america years. yea, so my parents asked me what i wanted and i had no clue. but then it hit me: LoTR trilogy OR the matrix trilogy. i'm going to take votes as to which one, so just leave a comment below. so yep, i think that covers just about everything for right now. regatta next weekend, wish me luck, and i shall talk to ya'll later.
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