Mike Mills in the Afternoon

Mar 21, 2009 13:33

I just thought about eating an egg in a hole. Then, I debated within myself about the possibility of a yolkless option: Toast in a hole. Cut out the yellow, plop in some bread, and hell, toss some butter on it.

I just made Mac and Cheese instead.

It's so wonderful outside. I can't help but be happy. The sun just gets all over and I breathe it in and get all googley. I sank into some mud outside of my parents' patio and left muddy prints on the wood for Moo (fat outside kitty) to roll around in. She's really rolling out there. I just want to go lay out there and use her thick flub for a pillow.

I found a stash of N64 games to bring back to Minneapolis, including BLAST CORPS. It's this game where a truck with nukes is going in an endlessly straight line - it's slow - but also volatile. If it touches anything it'll detonate. So, smartly, you must demolish every single building in it's path as it travels hundreds of miles. I figure they could maybe turn the thing (it's got a cabin), or just let it blow up in some field or something. But, then there wouldn't be a game where you use a flying robot to butt-pound buildings into ash, nor would you get to see how the skidding car destructor works (only toppling buildings while sliding...right?). It's probably the dumbest game I've ever heard of, but it's kinda fun. If you ace it you get to drive around on the moon, as well as other planets. Okey doke.

I had a thought on something serious, but I'm gonna keep it off to the side. I don't wanna get weighed down with all those tombstone blues (that song may have came on random...)

Now, where's that cat...
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