As I grow older, my focus seems to be more and more local. I have done my share of international travel, and still think there's no better way to expand my understanding of the world. But lately, my trips have been more around the West, or to attend friends' weddings.
An essay I read by Brian Eno brought the idea of a
"Big Here and Long Now" to my attention, and I feel that these are useful concepts. In 'Speaker for the Dead', one of the characters outlines four levels of 'otherness': utlanning (same species, same planet), framling (same species, different planet), ramen (different species, peaceful relations are possible), and varelse (different species, communication, and therefore peace, not possible). The bigger the 'Here' and the longer the 'Now' that I can contemplate, the more beings move toward utlanning and away from varelse.
This is a long winded way (shocking, I know) of saying that my increasing interest in locality and particularly food producion has led me to join a group blog focusing on food. I'll be contributing every so often to
Tastes Like Food.