Jan 10, 2007 09:03
It's snowing again,
having to take the bus to work in a skirt is not fun when its snowing.
I think Vancouver is having the worst winter I have ever experienced.
100+ mph winds(a bunch of times)
Snow (a bunch of times)
Torrential Downpours (Always, I should be used to this by now)
I would love to go on a little vacation right about now.
Girls Night this Friday!
Should be fun, we invited a lot more girls than we did last time(which is a good sign it means we are making more girlfriends!)
But I think only 5 people have told me they are coming for sure.
Oh well, it will still be lots of fun.
Haircut this Friday too. First one in over 4 months.
Lets hope I don't get a bad one and end up crying in my room all night and not going out!