Welcome, hey?

Jul 19, 2005 13:09

Well, isn't this special. I don't know what's possessed me to suddenly start blogging...I've always had the vague thought that most blogging was...well, rather strange, slightly vain really, sort of pseudo-intellectual one-way-glass kind of semi-private exhibitionism coupled with a lot of narcissism. I've had reason to change my mind, apparently...and I hope if anyone's offended they'll cut me some slack - I'm new here.

So hello all you happy people...and you not-so-happy people...and you people that are amazingly craptacular. Welcome to the little sideshow that is my head. Try not to stick your hands in the crazy, and make sure that nothing attaches itself to you...it all needs to stay here, this is its habitat.

Maybe I AM finally cracking up after all these years of being afraid of it, and this is just my first major symptom...typing/talking to people who are only quasi-there, only mostly real, all of them at least at one remove. So be it.

Feel free to comment but keep in mind...I can be unstable, and prone to nastiness. Or I may ignore comments completely. Who knows? The Shadow do....hee hee hee.
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