Something about...

Dec 10, 2008 16:24

Amazingly bummed today. Can;t quite place my finger on it... And it's driving me nuts. I mean sure I'm disappointed I can;t make it to realms this weekend.  But it's not that big of a deal. I've only been there twice so it's not like I'm vested in it. I haven't been sleeping all that well lately either. I think I got about 3 hours last night. and not for lack of trying either! I think I stared at my ceiling for about 2 hours before I gave up and just stared at my Christmas tree, which was just put up last night thanks to the amazing mijoge  and his ability to destroy Christmas tree stars on command! SO I can;t even say that's bumming me. As last year we didnt get one until like the night before Christmas eve.

Maybe it's time to take a personal inventory
  1. Job - though not ideal it pays the bills (( ok barely but anymore and I wouldn't have the time I need to study for school)) I mean in theory I could take on a few more events but It would be sketchy at best.
  2. Which brings us to #2 School. It's amazing I love it and it's wonderful.... and my brains leak out my ear less often then when I started the nursing program. My instructor put me in for Sigma theta Tau. A nursing honor society. Which is something I'm very proud of and worked my ass off for.
  3. Family. Things are fine My uncle Gene is back in NJ with his three precious little ones... But then so is his bitch of a soon to be ex wife. Mom is her usual neurotic self but I've been dealing with it for a year now. Whats another 6 months?
  4. Love life: I guess this is slightly tricky. After my disaster of an engagement I swore off love. I mean why go through that twice. I spent the first year of school being slightly more promiscous then I'd really ever been. But I sorta tripped that up by actively looking for at least someone I could share a part of my life with instead of doing the awful walk of shame every sunday morning. Then I met mijoge and well yeah that kinda went out the window. Over the course of the first few weeks my heart was soaring again. Unfortunately in the back of my mind I worry this flight will mimic icarus and I'll soon plummet to a fiery death.  I mean lets face it .. those of you who have been avid readers for a while now know my track record is not the greatest. The last time I let my tough guy exterior down I got into a world of hurt. SO I tried.. I really tried not to fall in love. But it happened. eh what are you going to do. We'll see what happens. Love is like pi - natural, irrational, and very important.
Ok so inventory accounted for other then some relationship anxiety ((which in slight retrospect could be playing it's part as I keep looking for what I have come to term as the "pattern" to appear)) I can;t for the life of me figure out this restless gloomy cloud that's lingering.. Although It could definately be that combined with the holidays as well...

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