Possible pip cards? Thoughts?
Ace of Wands - leaving Faldor's farm
Ace of Cups - Ce'Nedra and Garion's 'scene' in the river
Ace of Swords - Garion picking up the Sword of the Rivan King
Ace of Shields - Belgarath giving Garion a coin in exchange for the red gold
Two of Wands - Garion resurrecting Horse
Two of Cups - Ce'Nedra showing Garion how to read on the ship
Two of Swords - Lelldorin and Mandorallen riding side by side, hands near their swords
Two of Shields - Durnik dealing with the horse salesmen
Three of Wands - Polgara looking out over Faldor's farm at the children
Three of Cups - feast of Erastide
Three of Swords - Garion and the boar in Cherek
Three of Shields - Durnik works on a wagon axel
Four of Wands - Durnik handing Polgara the rose outside their cottage
Four of Cups - Merell answering the door with Barak inside, holding his head in his hands
Four of Swords - the travelers head into Ulgoland, Silk looking uncomfortable but the rest marveling
Four of Shields - Zakath with his paperwork
Five of Wands - Salmissra's court, with all the attendants looking warily at one another
Five of Cups - Relg berating Taiba
Five of Swords - Polgara looking out from a balcony in Vo Wacune, knowing what's to come
Five of Shields - Garion and Ce'Nedra looking at the little footprints in Torak's house
Six of Wands - Urgit sitting upon his throne
Six of Cups - Garion and Polgara looking out at Faldor's farm
Six of Swords - the group on a boat ride with Greldik
Six of Shields - Belgarath giving the fenlings the ability to speak
Seven of Wands - Thull Mardu
Seven of Cups - Garion choosing who will be the Child of Light
Seven of Swords - silk stealing... something
Seven of Shields - The group waiting in Mallorea / Sendaria
Eight of Wands - Mandorallen and Barak against tons of others
Eight of Cups - Vella becomes a falcon
Eight of Swords - Ce'Nedra struggling to pull off her medallion
Eight of Shields - Garion in a library reading through codex after codex
Nine of Wands - Garion making various items for Nerina
Nine of Cups - Taiba holding several children with Mara looking on happily
Nine of Swords - Urvon, twitching and mad
Nine of Shields - Silk looking at his financial papers
Ten of Wands - Riva's hand on the orb
Ten of Cups - NO IDEA
Ten of Swords - Toth dead with Cyradis weeping
Ten of Shields - NO IDEA
Just my first thoughts. Any ideas?