Nothin' Better To Do! :D

Dec 06, 2008 13:51

1. What are your nicknames?
Kitty, Peanut, Dani, Double D, Danihana, Dooger.

2. How do you style your hair?
Shoulder-length. Like, it just brushes along my shoulders. It grows pretty fast, so I may need another trim.

3. What's new in your life right now?
I has a Christmas tree! Also, I'm thinking of checking out some Pagan groups.

4. What are you wearing at the moment?

5. Do you need music to study/write?
Since I'm out of school, nope. And I kinda used to use it, but it didn't really help at all.

6. What was the last book you read?
Honey & Clover Volume 3. MANGA COUNTS

7. Do you cook a lot?
Nope. I microwave a lot. And I bake sweets.

8. Do you have a crush at the moment?
On mah husband! ;D

9. Is there anything that has made you happy these days?
When my kitteh sits in my lap and nuzzles me. She has a thing for mah boobehs.

10. What was the last thing you ate today?

11. What’s your morning routine?
I get up, have breakfast, (always with chocolate milk) and check out my webcomics for the day. I also check Facebook, Twitter, my different Email accounts, and LiveJournal. At some point I peek at Neopets and Kingdom of Loathing. Those can usually wait for a little while though. Eventually I get dressed in actual clothes instead of lounging in pjs for hours on end. Oh! But before I have breakfast, I tend to make sure Kellie is fed first. Because she is mah beebee! X3

12. What websites do you visit daily?
Facebook, Twitter, Kingdom of Loathing, Neopets, different Email accounts, LiveJournal, and lots of webcomics.

13. What classes are you taking right now?
Nada. I teach myself.

14. Which languages do you wish you spoke?
Spoke? :P
I speak some Spanish, or what I can remember. A bit of Japanese, as best as a weeaboo can, anyways.

15. What do you want for Christmas?
I'm alright with what I got. Maybe another couple pairs of pants, some really nice slacks. I'd like a sweater or two, and some long-sleeved shirts.

16. What are you daydreaming about right now?
Nothing really. Ger just switched the channels on the TV to the first Harry Potter movie. I'm thinking of switching it again. I'm thinking I'm tired of Mr. Potter.

17. Who was your childhood idol?
Windwhistler. Yes, the My Little Pony.

18. Where would you like your next holiday to be?
I really just want to go to Biltmore before their Holiday decorations are put away. :(

19. What is your dream car?
A red BMW Mini Cooper with a white roof and white stripes down the hood and back of the car. I have a remote control Mini Cooper that looks just like how I want it.

20. Tell me something you love about the person who tagged you.
Nobody tagged me. I don't really care to tag anyone.

meme, lists

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