(no subject)

Jun 16, 2005 23:19

Wednesday- We went to the orthodonist. Oh yes, not fun for me at all. I am getting a jaw-expander in 6 weeks and to get me "ready" for it, they destroyed all of my mouth's abilities. I have ... 6 blue-rubber-thick things inbetween 4 of my back molars, where the bands to the expander will go. Ok, if you've ever seen a ring that is just a little band...like Ashley's .. or anyone's...yeah. It's that think and if I am laughing or yelling or yawning, you can see them. It is extremely painfull too. You have no idea. So yeah. That was all Thursday was.

Today- Today, I couldn't even eat my cereal, I had to let it sit and get all mushy before I could eat it. I can't chew...or talk correctly...or smile..or sleep on my face(side) or do anything normal with my mouth. I tried practicing...ha ha ha very funny, it is like impossible. Let me tell you. And what sucks the most is the fact that the whole time we're in California.....I have to keep these things in. I can screw All State now...jesus...loves me

Anyway then. Who knows. We went to Chili's for dinner and I was like...mushing my food in my mouth, it was so funny, but gross to think about. Yeah. eeeek. Oh well. Most of you people have absolutely no idea, so psh on you people.
That is all.
Oh yeah.
Since we're leaving on the 30th, and not returnig untill right before orientation. I want to do something with a group of people, but like it's not going to be people who think it'll be them, I'll tell you that right now. Yeah...some people...just can't go out in public without ruining everything...I don't know what went wrong with some people...jeeeze.
Who knows. I know! Just have to call my great friend ______, she already wants to get something together. Yeah. Good Times?---No.

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