Apr 21, 2004 19:39
Time you started- 7:39 P.M.
Full Name- Danielle Lynn
Sex- Female
Birthday- April 26th 1986 (its soon!)
Astrological sign- Taurus
Siblings and their names- Brothers Tom and Jon
Hair color- Brown
Eye color- Brown
Height- 5' 2"
Age- 18 in 5 days
Nicknames- D-Bomb, D-Lynn, Miss Danielle, Kriky
Parents names- Kim and Tom
Tattos- Nope
Piercings- my ears and belly button
Do you like your job- LoL...I'm gonna take this quote from Lindsay "as much as i hate to admit it...i love it"
School you are in- Hauppauge high
Who are your top three girlfriends?- Jilly, Eileen, My mom
Who are your top three guyfriends?- My brother, Devin, and i dunno
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?- No
If you could go out with anyone who would it be?- everyone who reads this already knows! :)
Do you wanna get married?- definately
Do you have good parents?- definately!
Where is your favorite place to shop?- I like TJ max...i enjoy the 'hunt' for really nice designer clothes at cheap prices! LoL!
What kind of shoes do you like best?- I really like tall Stelletto heals...but i can't walk in them!
What brand of tennis shoes do you like best?- Adidas??
What is your favorite thing in your closet?- MY x0x0 pants
What are you wearing right now?- oh baby...nothing...
Do you do drugs?- No
Have you ever tried drugs?- yea
Do you drink?- yea
What kind of shampoo do you use?- Pantene Pro V
What are your favorite sports?- Ultimate Frisbee, Gym Vollyball, Basketball, and i like to watch football.
What are you most scared of?- being alone
What are you listening to right now?- the 10 tvs that are blasting in my house...
What car do you wish to have?- A viper.
Where do you wanna get married?- i dont know
What color is your bedroom carpet?- brown.
What is on your walls?- nothing
Last movie you saw?- I bought 'Cheaper by the Dozen' the other day and watched that. But i did see some crazy movie in school today about Andrew Carnige.
Last person you went to dinner with?- oooo...hmm...i dont remember. I'm gonna guess Jillian.
If you could dye your hair any color what would it be?- I dont know...cause I've already tried really dark, and really blond, and magenta....it depends on my mood.
Whats the first thing you do in the morning?-As Jill and Lindsay said 'hit the snooze'
Where do you want to live when you get older?- I like Long Island.
What hand do you write with?- Left
Whats under your bed?- I dont wanna know.
What do you do when you are bored?- Call up Jill and Nicole and go on an adventure.
What is your pet peeve?- Liers.
Kissed your cousin?- no
Bungee jumped?- no
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?- Yes...
Been convicted of a crime?- No
Kissed in front of your parents?- no
Went toilet papering?- yes, many times.
Snuck out?- yes
Been in a car wreck?- yes
Laughed for no reason at all?- all the time!!
Ran away?- yea...but my mom tracked me down.
Broken someone's heart?- i hope not.
Been in love?- maybe...
Cried when someone died?- too many times unfortunately.
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have?- yea.
Broken a bone?- never
Lied?- of course.
Fallen asleep in class?- yea
Started a conversation with a complete stranger?- I do that everyday.
Did something that you knew would hurt another person?- yes..
Called someone just to hear their voice?- yes
Told a very private secret?- yes, but only to help the person.
Spring break?- MTV
Summer?- sun
Red?- roses
White?- pure
Black?- devil
Friday night?- partying!
New school year?- college
Christmas?- PRESENTS!
Snow?- cold
What would you change?- Too many things. As i was saying to Amanda the other day...theres probably 3 specific things i would change.
Who would you have broken up with?- ummm...if i had any boyfriends!
Who would you have gone out with?- Many people. Andrew...anyone remember him? Oh boy!!
Coke or Pepsi?- Pepsi
Sprite or 7up?- Sprite
Girls or Guys?- Guys...girls are bitchy
Flowers or Candy?- CANDY!!
Scruffy or Clean Shaven?- Clean...except for Ryan Dunn..he looks better scruffy.
Quiet or Loud?- loud
Blondes or Brunettes?- I happen to enjoy the blonds. They know how to have fun and act DUMB STUPID!(...hahaha...yea jill)
Tall or Short?- tall
Shorts or Pants?- pants
What do you notice first?- Humor/personality....eyes
Last person you slow danced with?- my dad?
Worst question to ask?- lol....
Your good luck charm?- this fat cat i got at Japan in Epcot
The person you hate the most?- I have some people in mind. People who lie and tell other peoples secrets. Cause thats not nice.
Best thing that happened to you today?- I have time to sit and enjoy myself and relax alittle.
Color- pink
Movie- Anything Jay and Silent Bob.
Subject in school- Math, cause we just eat muffins, and talk about how Miss Rachael went to a Metallica concert and her brother smoked it up.
Ice cream- soft
Holiday - my birthday
Breakfast food- bacon, egg, and cheese on a biscuit
Number- 16
Food- Pizza and grandmas chicken
Animals- doggies
Celebrity- George Clooney and Brad Pitt
Day of the Week - Sunday, cause i always know that i am making alot of money!! $
Flower - I dont know, something pretty and pink!
TV show- I like Seinfeld re-runs, Law & Order, and NYPD Blue
Thing to do on the weekend- Sleep..
Makes you laugh the most?- My brother cause he does the "T-Rex" and Jill cause she is awesome!! "...cause a Manatee wouldnt hurt a flea..."
Makes you smile?- Laura
Gives you a funny feeling when you see them?- umm...jill :)
Who do you have a crush on?- hehe...Yea J-Moons and Eileen...you know!
Who can make you feel better no matter what?- Jillian and Eileen
Who has it easier girls or guys?- Guys...they dont have to have children!!!
Sit by the phone waiting for a call?- Yea
Save internet conversations?- yea
Save emails?- yea
Wish you were somebody else?- Yes- wow...thats all really sad.
Time you finished?- 8:07p.M.