Oct 04, 2005 09:44
So what day is it today, I dont know. I never know what day it is anymore. I have compleatly lost track of what day, month, or year it is some of the time. I work so much and all ways know that I work and every now and then I have a day off but other then that I dont know. So what day is it for you. I think I am going to make up a new system. We need new days of the week. This monday, tuesday crap is so old.
So look, this is where you come in. I need your help. We are going to make up a new day, month and year system. I need your ideas so that we can do this. If you want to make 8 day weeks that is ok with me if you want to make the days only 10 hours a day or if you want to make the days 33 hours a day that is good with me as well. We need to get to gether and figure this out. I am open for all ideas. Hope this will make time more fun for those of us who just dont care.
Your lost child, duct tape dan