(no subject)

Dec 11, 2005 01:23

The 10 most frequently looked up words and their definitions, according to Merriam-Webster's online dictionary site (for 2005)
1. Integrity -- Firm adherence to a code, especially moral or artistic values; incorruptibility.
2. Refugee -- One that flees; especially a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution.
3. Contempt -- Willful disobedience to or open disrespect of a court, judge or legislative body.
4. Filibuster -- The use of extreme dilatory tactics in an attempt to delay or prevent action, especially in a legislative assembly.
5. Insipid -- Lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate or challenge; dull, flat.
6. Tsunami -- A great sea wave produced especially by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption.
7. Pandemic -- Occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population.
8. Conclave -- A private meeting or secret assembly, especially a meeting of Roman Catholic cardinals secluded continuously while choosing a pope.
9. Levee -- An embankment for preventing flooding; a continuous dike or ridge (as of earth) for confining the irrigation areas of land to be flooded.
10: Inept -- Generally incompetent; bungling.

So how many of these have you actually searched for in Merriam-Webster this year? (#4 & #9 for me)
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