picture mega post

May 28, 2005 21:36

I only know one or two more people who are into photographs more than I am.  I'm telling you, the whole deal w/ Dig. Cam is such a asian thing. 
Here's a small portion of the photos I've taken this past few days.  (not in chronological order)

To start off: Friday, with the Rwanda project, we (those who are involved--selected 2nd and 3rd period students) got to go to the "horse shoe" and paint murals.  These murals were supposed to show bringing of peace and forgiveness, and will tour internationally and finally reach Japan (!!)

 Ms. Saunders (my awesome Eng. teacher whom a few of you lucky sophomores will meet next year), who coordinated this whole project, gives instructions on what to do to the people.  Under her arm, you can see the art teacher who coordinated this particular mural project

Some got to vandalize; write messages on the floor.  The second pic was the one that THE danny graves said would "make you go WTF"  Pretty accurate, I must say

Here are some pictures of the murals.   The Earth-on-fire one was my group's.

During band, the orch. got to accompany two singers (Barry & Lindsey, i think).  I think Barry noticed me on the 2nd pic.  Come to our concert next Thursday!  We'll play a concerto for viola (w/ Ashleigh playing the solo!), Star wars...um.. and some other mildly cool pieces. 


Katie Foran-McHale's article:  (LJ SN = allthatjazz11)  (reprinteded/uploaded with permission)It pertains to the upcoming memorial day, and is politically unbiased, so do read it!

Greg & Sauce (Ross) both did their recitals.  The program and the audience.  Their performance will be uploaded soon.  (with or without permission)

Name the tune people/class!






Idk if you care about the cam that took some of the pics, but here it is anyway:  For b-day present / endnig junior year & all the stupid APs (more like i begged for it) i got this coool new cam: Casio EX-Z750. 

Small and very powerful.

Good points: manual shutter that goes up to 30 sec really lightens things up and makes a night-shot-enthusiast (like me) very happy:


But since it's a tiny camera, the flash is VERY weak:

And there's the mild chromatic abberation and noise issues, but they're quite minor.  Now...if this cam were flying and taking pics from "above"... hehe.  more on that....later.

Enjoy your long weekends ppl!
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