Hey, remember the late night infomercials for "The Juiceman" juicers? You know, the show that had the hot chick and the crazed old guy with the bushy eyebrows? That man would throw in whole apples, carrots, parsley, watermellons and baby kittys just to show how well his product juiced and "unlocked the live giving nutrients" in ANYTHING you threw
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Though I would have to say I am more of a veggie girl myself, but you can pretend I am raddishes if it will make you feel better! (and yep that is ganna taste like ass no matter how much sugar you add!)
I may buy a salad shooter.
When I go to the doctor tomorrow for my last test he'll be all like "wow. You are the healthiest guy I've ever seen." and I'll tell him "Duh. I just started juicing yesterday. Sheesh."
I'm going to try adding sugar to it, by the way. Maybe I can actually get myself to drink a glass of it before tomorrow if I do.
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