Jun 27, 2005 16:34
Last night I had a 3 hour much needed talk with Kirsten =) And I have officially started the longest continued not I will ever send anyone, lol.
I have been on for well, awhile and I have been thinking, some girls are the most retarted creatures I have ever met, SRSLY like okay example: My brother Brandon and this girl liked eachother, and one night they talked on the phone the ENTIRE night and Brandon had our brother Josh talk to her a litttle bit. So then the next day she told Brandon that she didnt want anything between them, but asked if he could get her together with Josh. And I sware I was like amazed because that's ummm RUDE just a little. And I was thinking about some of the things girls do and some girls make me so angy. But Im not saying all girls are the most retarted creatures, because some are some pretty cool people, but theres a very small percent that make me ashamed to be a girl. I know that sounds bad, but yeah, I still love being the biggest girly girl that has ever walked the face of this planet :-P
Tomorrow I got to work, which is cool with me, lol, I like my work like 98% of the time, because no1 can be like hell yes my work rocks all the time. Sometimes Im not in the mood, but I have to act like it, but at least its only 2%. But after I work Im gonna come home and shower and do my hair and then my dad and I are going to the baseball game! Heck't yesss, I loooove the Diamondbacks like its no ones business :-D So Im pretty excited about that!
Oh have I mentioned I have like 3 or 4 new crushes? I think not, lol, oh boy do I like them guys.... :-P
But yeah Im gonna go help my daddy cook dinner cuz im like THE BEST daughter ever, lol... onnnly sometimes ;-)