(Liturgical) New Year's Resolution

Dec 02, 2009 21:01

The beginning of the Liturgical New Year started on Sunday. I decided to make a daily goal. My goal for Tuesday is to go to confession and adoration and start writing a prayer/reflection. My goal for Wednesday is to finish the prayer/reflection and post it.

I got the idea because I really liked when I did weekly reflections when I did them when I was the Spiritual Coordinator for NFK a few years ago. I actually kind of missed it when I stopped doing them. So, well, now I'm going to start again. Here goes!

This week's post is based off of the idea of trying to find a healthy view of fear.

Sinking in Fear vs. Fear of the Lord
Peter saw Christ from a distance amidst the storm. Christ beckoned him to walk on water-- but Peter became afraid of the storm, forgot to trust the Lord and began to sink (cf. Mt 27:22-30).

Lord, I am sinking in the fears of daily life and I forget to look to you, to trust in you. Calm the storm inside my heart. You are my light and my salvation-- of whom shall I be afraid? (Ps 27:1). Teach me that to fear You means to heed your voice (Dt 13:5) and to love and serve with all my heart and soul (Dt. 10:12). Do not let me fear like the Israelites in the desert who became anxious at the thunder and lightning and moved away from the voice of the Lord (Ex 20:18-20), for if I fear the storm then I shall sink like Peter. No, Let my only "fear" be fear of the Lord, for this is the reverence due to my Creator. It is the beginning of Wisdom (Pr 9:10) and the fountain of life (Pr 14:27).
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