Oct 31, 2004 17:32
I was talking to Glenn on msn a couple hours ago, and we started talking about how our relationship started to feel like last years or something along those lines. He called me like a half an hour into our talk. Glenn said he didnt want commitment right now, but he still wanted to be with me. In my mind commitment means being with the person, remaining loyal and stuff among those lines. That hurt .. and confused the hell out of me. Whats the point in being with a person whos wants to fool around with other people, and you giving the person that permission. Also in my mind going out with a person involves commitment, or else the relationship just falls apart and theres no point in being in it. I told him that and he said that he needs to have some space to clear his head and whatnot, so he's going to either call me tonight or we're going to talk tommarow. But I don't want to go to school tommarow to face him. I know that if I do I will end up crying, and im really uncomfortable letting my emotions show. I really just dont want to face that fact that we're going to break up again. Cuz I know if we do that theres no way we'll end up going back out. I can't live without Glenn.