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Jan 26, 2005 11:26

Remembering the Good Ol' Days

Created by mandzzah and taken 1340 times on bzoink!
Age: 0-5 [Toddler]When were you born?6/26/1988`What was your first word?shitWhat was your favorite television show?barneyWhat was your favorite movie?the little mermaidDo you have any siblings?yesIf so, give their names and ages:jeff,18 james,15`Did you have any pets?yesDid you have a best friend? Who?ashleyDid you have a favorite relative?yesWhat is the most memorable moment from these years?i saw my first birdAge: 6-12 [Childhood/Preteen]What was the name of your elementary school?bunchDid you get a boyfriend/girlfriend during any of these years? Who?noWhat was your favorite year of elementary school? Why?6th cuz i was wild and crazyWho was your favorite teacher?mr.andersonWho was your least favorite teacher?MRS. BROWNWhat was the reason for your first detention?i skipped schoolWho was your best friend during these years?ashley riversWhat was your favorite television show?i dont remeberWhat was your favorite movie?dirty dancingWhat was your favorite song?lolly pop lolly pop What is the most memorable moment from these years?got hit by carAge: 13-16 [Teenager]What high school did/are you go(ing) to?anderson high schoolWho was/are your best friend(s)?ashley,jericaWhat was your favorite class?lunchWho was/is your favorite teacher?mrs.wolshonWho was/is your least favorite teacher?sgt. kelleyWho was/is your boyfriend/girlfriend during these years?jimWhat was your most prized possession? Why?an angel.. cuz my aunt gave it to me then she passed awayWere you ever suspended or expelled? Why? [Naughty Naughty!]yes various timesWere you still a virgin during these years?NUN YAWhat was your favorite television show?SMALL VILLEWhat was your favorite movie?YOU GOT SERVEDWhat was your favorite song?SOME CUTWhat is the most memorable moment from these years?IDKAge: 17-18 [Young Adult]Still going to the aformentioned high school? If not, where?IDKDid you get into any major fights with your parents?IDKDid you ever make-up?IDKWho was your best friend(s)?IDKDid you have any pets?IDKWhat was your favorite class?IDKWhat was your least favorite class?IDKWho was your favorite teacher?IDKWho was your least favorite teacher?IDKDid you graduate? What year?IDKWhat was your favorite television show?IDKWhat was your favorite movie?IDKWhat was your favorite song?IDKWhat is the most memorable memory from these years?IDKAge: 18+ [Grown-Up]How old are you now?QIDKDo you miss your childhood?IDKDo you feel old?IDKDo you now, now that I've asked?IDKAre you glad that this quiz is over? Why?IDK
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