* How well do you know yourself * Created by
jennifer219 and taken 2396 times on
bzoink!* The Basics *Name:Danielle Theresa BertoliNicknames:Ducky jingle dean danni danBirthday:march 7 1991Place Of Birth:malden hospitolEye Color:hazelBody Ills + SkillsDo you bite your nails?yesCan you roll your tongue?yesDo you have any habits?bad oes not to be listedHave you colored your hair?yes Do you have any tatoos? Where?temporary ones on my shouldersWhich Shoe Goes on First?leftHow many cereals are in your cabinet?i don't eat cerelDo you Cook?yesGroomingHow often do you brush your teeth?3 times a dayHow often do you shower or bathe?once or twice a dayDo you swear?yesDo you mumble to yourself?sometimes more conversation wiseDo you swear?yesDo You sleep Walk?sometimes one tiemwhen i was five i woke up on the stairs with a chip bag in my hand Name one thing your obsessed with:MusicWindow seat or aisle?windowDo You Sleep With A Stuffed Animal?sometimes depends on my moodDo you fall asleep with the TV or Radio on?music jon fredrickWhen Was The Last Time You...Watched Bambi?when i was 2 or on the commerical yesterdayTalked on The Phone?a day agoRead A book?to secs ago
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