May 14, 2005 02:42
if i was a hat i cannot think of what i would be... i am am home right now and enthralled with contentment. Hayley and I are sitting next to eachother on the same bed with the same computer using the same wireless internet. I like being in a place with wooden walls and floors- at least some of the floors... We have to wake up tomorrow at 7AM to go to my friend's graduation at Roger William's college. i dont want to write in this anymore. hayley and i's pillow's match, both have sandy scenes, mine have palm tree as well and her's shells. and that was possible the most mundane thing i could tell u of our adventures and of us being at my home. moop. i guess you'll never get to know about the monster at the lookout point and his crazy leaf crunching ways! ooh henry oh stitch oh hayley's teddy bear oh B.B. King oh ballet shoes oh tissue box oh cold cold room at least i have a big warm bed :+) oh silly lava