|| s p r i n g . b r e a k ||

Mar 25, 2005 23:47

ashleys liddle sister woke us up at 8*3o am and we got online for like 3o minutes then went downstairs and ashley made breakfast .. while she cooked i went upstairs and talked to her liddle sister paige .. then went downstairs and ate breakfast - it was yummy ! * while ashley cleaned up da kitchen i watched fairly odd parents with her liddle sister and ashley left me down there and went upstairs , when fairly odd parents was ova i went upstairs and we chilled till like 11*45 den i got in da shwower and when i got out lebaron got in .. then i got dressed and got online for a liddle bit ... then did muh make up then we chilled and ashley made her liddle sister a live journal .. daniel called and me and ashley was talken to hem then he called evan on 3way and daniels phone was acten retarded and dis - connected hem .. so i was talken to evan for a while , then ashleys liddle sister paige started chasing me and ashley around the house tryen to hit us wit a spactula (( or however you spell it )) den me and evan hung up da phone cause ashley needed to call her dad ... den we was chillen watchen HEY ARNOLD ad talken to people online and daniel called us back =D and ashley was talken to hem , then she handed me da phone and daniel was like im spying on yall , i know what your doing and wearing . and i was like o0h o0kay .... den he had to go to the store w| his daddy so he was like call me back later .. and me and lebaron was chillen tryen to figure out what we was gunna do later on that night - so i called megans house cause i had plans made with her but she wasnt home from ash hasychack house yet .. den i was talken to louis , jon and chelsea online ... den i went downstairs and was chillen and prak called sum people ( lmao , ashley your so gay " chinese food " ) .. den ashleys daddy came home and i was talken to hem and den we went upstairs and got online and was talken to megan .. then we chilled around lebarons house and at 6*3o muh mommy came and picked me up =| and on the way hoem we stopped at wa - wa and i got $6o out muh mommma`z checking account and called megan and was like ay we bout to come and pick you up so you can run in the mall with me and get sumthing .. and she was like aiight so we went and got her den ran in da mall and i got diz new straight iron from sears and you can straighten your hair while its wet ! * and den we went back to muh house and chilled for like 15 minutes while muh step dad finished gettting ready .. then we went and picked up kim and me , megan , kim , muh mommy and step dad all went out to lonestar for dinner ! and me and megan used kims foundation and made circles all on our face and put mascara under our eyes and kim wrote looser on muh forehead with her pink lipstick !! ( lmao ) it was soo funny everybody was looking at us .. and den muh mom and step dad started ordering all these achol drinks and me and megan was drinking dem .. i think megan took too many sips cause she was acten CRAZY ... and me , kim and megan went out and sat in the car after we was dont eating and megan ran from lonestar parking lot to hetchs 2 time and then when she was comming back she flashed us ( lmao ) me and kim was like WTF * den we went back and chilled at muh house until like 9*3o and megans sister came and picked us upand we drove around for a liddle bit and den went back to megans and chilled and den like 4o minutes later me , danielletwin , kim and megan went to the store to get sumthing .. came back chilled for a while then megan , me and kim watched win a date wit tod hamelton and me and megan fell asleep den at like 11*3o kim came jumping on me and was like LOOK , READ THIS READ THIS ! * and WOW , PEOPLE ARE SO GAY - I SWEAR .. but o`well there da least of muh worries !! but me and kim are about to go chill and watch music videos and prolly fall asleep so peace !
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