Jul 31, 2005 23:42
Quote of the Day:
(badly recreated AIM conversation)
J: I named one of my kittens Constantine! He's a biter.
D: Did you see the movie Constantine then or, is he named after a Roman Emperor?
J: omg! Constantine from that book you gave me!
D: *whaps self* Oh THAT Constantine.
J: That's okay, I'll just add it to my "list of things to flog Danielle for next time I see her."
D: Oooh...promise?
D: Am I awake? I had that dream again where my head was big.
Movie: It was the same dream.
D: Ha! I win.
W: Uh huh, you win at the animes aren't you proud.
W: She did it AGAAAIN!
Movie: We've done this before.
D: Ha! You win.
W: I win at the animes.
D: Uh huh, aren't you proud.
Yesterday we rented some movies. Blockbuster had Steamboy in. That was pretty exciting. I somehow just thought it was a gorgeous movie. There was very little in regards to the art that marked it certainly as an anime. That makes me quite happy. The scenes are just full of detail, and the CG blended pretty well. For some reason though, I found it most jarring when they rotated the "camera" with the CG. I don't know if that's just not something they do a lot in animation, or if it was because there was something wrong with the motion itself. It's hard to even express what felt off about it.
The other movie we rented was titled something like "The Place Promised in our Early Days." but for some ridiculous reason they put the Japanese title under it.
The Japanese title is something like "The promised place beyond the clouds." which is flowery enough so why bother? It's kinda lame to put the Japanese title under it, usually companies do that to be all "Oh look at UUUUS we're LEGIT, we're authentic!" I call BS.
Anyway, it was better than "Voices of a Distant Star" (lit: "Voice of (a/the) Star(s)") though it seemed as if the director got chewed at for not giving anyone what they wanted in that one so he just gave everyone what they wanted in this one. It was slow and kinda pretty, but it was somehow way too easy to mock.
Oh and it was steamboy that had the trailer for that movie that made me want to cry.
I have almost 5000 words in the short story that I've been working on. It's kinda coming along. It's weird for me to be writing a story like this, this one I didn't work on in my head for a very long time before I started capturing it, usually when I try to start something like this the story dies. I don't know whether that's because the writing it kills it, or because it was one that didn't have a lot of life in it to start with. Oddly, this one seems to keep plugging along, albeit relatively unplanned. It's an odd feeling. But I feel good that I write at least a little every day. Last night I stayed up until 2 to make sure I got it done.
Church had the pastor that we sent a call to come in today. They had a potluck, and I HAD made a nice almond poppyseed cake for it, but we forgot it at home so we didn't stay for it. There were babies everywhere anyway, so I kinda wanted to get out of there. William has warned me that all his cousins have kids so I guess I'm going to get babied out on THE TRIP anyway. The pastor seemed okay, though he's kinda...emotive...I guess lots of patsors are. I kinda like the older guy we've been having as our replacement pastor, though I guess we can't get him. Oh well.
Only one week left of school, I'm glad it's over soon, though that means I'll be stuck in the midwest for a week. I've liked the class a lot, but it's kinda hard to do it like this. Somehow going to Japan, though in many ways more stressful, was easier. I've been lazy this second session, I've been tired and apathetic and still getting good enough grades. But I haven't been studying nearly as much as I did for the first session.
And the teacher still thinks I do well and I'm good at it. It kinda bugs me that they talk to each other, though I guess it's wrong to think they wouldn't. I guess it's good that they're saying good things. But I hate being told I have a lot of potential. My Chinese teacher says I'm good at learning languages now. She says it's because I learn things and hold on to them and "Integrate." She said "integrate" like it's some sort of linguistic buzzword an I was just kinda smiling and nodding. I didn't think I did that well on the oral test, but I guess it was okay.
Tuesday we're going out to lunch with William's family because it's his Dad's Birthday or something. I can't even remember all MY family's birthdays. It'll be weird to go out for lunch, but at least it isn't tomorrow when I should be studying because I didn't study at all this weekend. Like usual.
I ALSO should have studied Japanese this summer, especially kanji which I suck at, so that I can take the damn proficiency test, but NOOOO! I'm just too lazy. Geez.