Jun 26, 2005 20:08
Quote of the Day:
D: There, I play a friends card on the crabs! You are now intimately close to the crabs! Whah!
So today at church I read the Scripture. That was kinda fun, though I read too fast and my voice ended up getting thin. Though, everyone complimented me on how clear and emotive I read.
All that drama's gotta be good for something. That, and I always had to talk loud to be heard above everyone else at home, who also talked loud. Didn't tell them that one though. It's been a long time since I've read in public that wasn't class. A couple people said how it was nice, now that the old Pastor is gone, to have women participating more. That made me happy. I'm glad that they're getting with the 90s.
After church we went to Bookman's and got some DVDs and a CD. We got Haibane Renmei DVD 1 so I could see if I liked it enough. It's got some of the people from Lain working on it (at least Mr. Abe, the Character designer is in on it) so it had potential. I think it's pretty good. It's not Lain, of course, it seems right now to be lighter and funnier at least.
We also got a copy of Millenium Actress because I like Satoshi Kon's stuff a lot. I need to find a nice DVD copy of Perfect Blue sometime for cheap.
I also got a nice copy of The Steve Miller Band greatest hits so I could get The Joker.
Note to stupid bands who don't put their most popular songs on iTunes think that it will sell more CDs: HA! Bookman's is a USED bookstore. Kiss your royalties goodbye suckers. I wasn't ever buying that CD new so you could play that game. It's a stupid game, please stop it. At least I buy my CDs used and don't use kazaa or whatever the most popular pirateware of the moment is. I'd have bought the song on iTunes, I like iTunes, and you'd have got a nice shiny penny. Now, you get no pennies, and I get my song. Who's winning the game? Yeah, that's right. Now get your crap on iTunes.
And WHY should I have thought The Steve Miller Band would be under M instead of S? I mean...usually when it's the name of the band don't they go by the first letter instead of the "last name"? Do they put Pink Floyd under F? ...
Sounds like I have some fun new protest havoc to raise...