Dec 06, 2011 22:33
Quote of the Day:
D: So my parents want gift ideas for you. I told them you broke your trowel.
W: Trowel?
D: Your garden shovel...thing.
W: I don't use that! Or I use it more now that it's broken.
D: ...Whatever, as long as you aren't using my clippers as a spade anymore.
W: I don't use anything that's not broken!
D: My clippers were not broken!
W: They are now...
So William's garden finally produced some sweet potatoes. And we had some more watermelons this year. So I made a bunch of watermelon and feta salads.
Thanksgiving is usually a big favorite of mine but I got pretty sick so it was not as fun as usual. And by pretty sick I mean losing my voice and going to urgent care to get antibiotics because my doctor was closed.
I grilled the turkey, though, and it turned out okay. Everyone seemed to like it okay.
Classes are winding down. Thinking about taking off next semester.