
Mar 25, 2010 22:29

Quote of the Day:
W: He just has a bunch of books by Terry Pratchett and that other guy?
D: The not-shel-silverstein guy?
W: Yeah, no Shel Silverstein.
D: Heh, we should get him a copy of The Giving Tree, for the lols.
W: How about no.
D: Oh man, look at that schedule, what was I thinking taking six classes my last semester of Undergrad.
W: Because you didn't have enough stress. There was some tiny bit of the day that you weren't under stress. That's why when you got your job you kept up full enrollment.

Well, it looks like someone got told.

I'm only TAKING ...threesixnine...12 credits this semester. That's only four classes, and only one more than I can take at one campus. And soon I won't be able to do that anymore.

I am going to graduate on May 15th! I AM GOING TO GRADUATE ON MAY 15th.

I've been fighting with some reflections, little 2000 word essays that are supposed to be supported with "artifacts:" papers or projects I've completed in my program. Part of it is my fault, they were kind of frustrating so I didn't do the midterm one on time. I mean, I kind of started it and then didn't finish it up until a little bit ago.

They have to be approved before I can graduate and I had to wait for all these people who were on vacation. But it's done, it's done, it's done and I'm going to graduate!

...oh good lord it's like a weight off my chest. Now all I have to do is not get Cs.

Since I haven't gotten a C in a class in like 10 years I don't see a problem.

graduation, school

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