Anvil Chorus

Mar 04, 2010 13:22

Quote of the Day:
Dn: So, thank you for the brownies, and sorry for the sexual harassment.

So I brought in the crazy brownies again today. Somehow that ended up with a discussion of my graduation and how some guy in stacks said I was hot and what I'm going to be wearing, or not, under my graduation robe.

Not much progress, yet, too busy with blacksmithing. Got an assignment "due" on Monday. Trying to finish up, but it's irritating. Forgework is dirty, hot, and physically draining.

Some nice shows coming up. Going to another Lyric Opera thing tonight, those are tons of fun. The next one after this is The Rocky Horror Show. Yeah, that's right, the play. Should get a group together, except any student tickets over two they fuss about.

One of the metalworking grads is having her thesis show with opening reception next Monday. She's a real nice girl, and her work is really cool. I'll be otherwise at the forge, but if anyone wants to stop by and say "hi" let me know and I can give you directions. Heh.

Midterms this weekend. Assignments on Friday. General exhaustion setting in. But then there is spring break! My in person classes will be done for a week. And I may rest.

Well, I should probably take that time to finish up my "reflections" so I can actually graduate, instead of shamefully having to wait a semester. Or summer graduate. Ooh, that'd be harsh.

plays, art, school, busy, plans

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