Quote of the Day:
Art Lecture: Upon her death, that is, when she died...
That was a long lecture, including the phrase "They were conquered, that is, they were conquested."
Really. At this point I'm wondering if she's playing along with the joke.
We did end up getting a chance to go to The Turn of The Screw opera on ASU campus.
And the production was very nice, the singers had good voices, the staging was excellent and I enjoyed myself very much.
But no one stays here to listen to me say nice things about stuff so: yeah the subject matter needed help. The cast and crew did an amazing job with what they had. It just happens that what they had was a bit of a turd.
Let's see, it had especially glaring examples of opera's tendency to sing inanity. And then, I guess I never really read Turn of the Screw, because I was a bit unprepared for the whole "Oh yeah, the former valet had sex with the last governess and the little boy." Wait...what? They staged this in a way that looked creepily like the guy went straight from one room to the next in one insatiable session (I'm sure they meant to imply time passed but it failed.) It also involved an odd song where they had the ghost cop a feel on the crotch of the woman playing the little boy.
Which, apparently both Wm and I found some relief in the idea that it was a woman playing a young man so there's nothing there to be grabbing. Whew.
There is also a ghost solo in the play which hurts the ability to imply to alternate interpretation that the ghosts are in the governesses head and she is mad.
But I did have a good time, I enjoyed dressing up and seeing the show. And the staging was quite charming and mesmerizing at times.
I burned out yet another hand mixer trying to make some cake. Stupid hand mixers and their stupid short lifespans. Things that get in the way of my cake do not amuse me.
We went to Casa Grande to see Wm's mom for church today. Afterwards we ate at Olive Garden. T accidentally knocked a glass of water off the table in kind of a flinging arc that splashed Wm. Was kind of funny at the time.
In metals we're doing chain making, which should be fun. I have this idea for a large chest/shoulder/neck piece I've wanted to make.