
Nov 17, 2007 18:39

Qupte of the Day
W: Why are you crying?
D: Because...I...broke my hand!
W: But why are you crying about it?

Disclaim: this was the evening after and he didn't mean it like it sounds. Actually Wm has been nothing but sweet and supportive of the break. He's going to take the morning off Monday to take me to get the cast put on. I feel kind of bad having him do that but it's been kind of rough. The vicodin they give me for pain upsets my stomach. I spend a lot of time in bed barely sleeping because of the pain or the nausea. I threw up even after lunch today. At least I think it's the vicodin. All the sites on the intarwebz say the tetanus shot doesn't do that.

Anyway, the full story: I just fell off my bike. It was stupid. I was on the sidewalk and hit off the edge of the sidewalk - happens from time to time - and usually I can correct for that. Apparently Thursday was not one of those days. Instead of correcting I was going off the bike, instead of falling clear or on my side I caught my leg in some part of the bike and hit both knees on the pavement. It happened so fast I didn't/could'nt remember to catch myself with my arms and "caught" myself with my left hand. Said hand made a snapping sound and scraped the thumb on the pavement.

So I'm laying on the sidewalk in the cloudy might rain weather in horrible pain and all I can manage to think is that something is so wrong and can I get to work and can I even ride? No and no. I hobble the bike across the street (knees are fine - bruised hideously but fine) and chain it up (realized I couldn't lift it if I wanted to take it home on the bus) all getting more barely contained hysterical that I can't move my hand and wait for the bus.

Get home ask Tim to get bike, he obliges. Call work. Email Wm. Find nearest urgent care. Realize Wm will freak over incoherent email. CALL Wm leave slightly more coherent message.

Bus to Urgent care on Priest and Eliot, get bandaged, Xrayed, and tetanus shot. Get a splint and sling and instructions to get a cast from a hand surgeon.

Boss orders me to stay home from work on Friday, stay half asleep hopped up on Vicodin.

And that us my story.

It really sucks to type one handed this long.


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