Jan 31, 2007 06:04
Quote of the Day:
Z: So, you're saying Pan's Labyrinth wasn't violent like the wings weren't spicy and Key was awesome?
D: ...yeah.
D: Did you bring the ice cream coupons?
W: Yeah, you mean coupon don't you?
D: Yeah, I'm tired. Unnecessary pluralization for the wins!
W: Don't you mean Unnecessary pluralizations for the wins?
Dear stupid lady who kept edging into a right turn when you were already halfway through the crosswalk and now there was a cyclist walking their bike in front of you,
Don't do that.
I mean I could tell you to go join the smokers and the other people in the lovely house on fire, but really, just don't do that. It's obnoxious. I tapped your car and waved at you, yes. Because you need to know that even if you for some reason thought you were going to pace me or that you had plenty of room, I didn't feel that. I didn't know you could see me. And I am not going to take my chances with you actually hitting me, even at a low speed tap when I'm late for work.
Because if anyone ever tries I will press charges on a low speed tap. Yes, I will. I am that big of a jerk. Pedestrians and cyclists have dangerous enough lives without assholes in a hurry needing to get that 5 inches out of the way 10 seconds faster.
You're lucky your car was short enough that I couldn't punch it easily and scare the crap out of you or I would have.
Ugh, at least no one honks at bikes for no reason here, but MAN I am so sick of people not watching and nearly hitting me. It gets worse apparently when you're traveling three miles instead of just one. Why can't people just maybe chill and realize that even if you beat the bike across the intersection/through the right turn that you'll STILL get where you're going faster than me?
Okay, well, maybe on Southern at rush hour, you won't.
Sucks to be you, I'm losing ALL sympathy for passing your collective car asses at 5pm all stuck in traffic, boo hoo, I get my own lane.
And stay out of it.