Party is over, now for sleeping

May 12, 2006 22:31

Quote of the day: 
D: I don't see why people think comics aren't appreciated in America. I mean look at Neil Gaiman. 
C: I've met Neil Gaiman once in person once at a Comic Con. I nearly ran into him. He's pretty short. 
D: Wait, Neil Gaimain is...short? 
C: Yeah, he's only about this tall, I think he's shorter than me. 
D: Neil 
C: Yeah, I'm like "You're Neil Gaiman!" And you're short! ...but I didn't say that. 
D: You mean he's short? 
C: But Neil Gaiman is really cool. 
D: Yeah... 
W: Danielle USED to think he was cool too. 
D: You're liking this! He's liking this! Look at that smug little look on his face! Neil Gaiman is're breaking my heart... 
C: I'm sorry...

I SUPPOSE you all think this is SO funny.

And you're right.

The party went really well, I had a good time.  I was glad to see everyone who came out.  Had a lot of fun, lot of laughs.  Good to see people.

People came and it was fun. My great and and uncle who live out here came and brought me this cool square vase that's surely thick enough to survive my clumsiness and some flowers.
Easalle graced me with a bunch of books and a should-have-got-myself-a-long-time-ago copy of Slaughterhouse Five. Got an adorable U is for Unicorn figurine from
miwasatoshi and
inagawayuu. I'm always happy for different unicorns.

And I got too much food, again, but I guess my greatest fear is not ending up with enough food. Oh well, I can eat leftover mini chimichangas for a while. Yay chimichangas!

Oh, I forgot one really funny thing about Commencement. Right before commencement they were playing music. One of the songs they played was Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) and okay...I GUESS that works but isn't that kinda...uh? Well, the next song was On the Roof by Eve 6. A song I find stupid and tasteless. But  setting aside all personal preference for men never speaking of hymens especially since HE WAS CHEATING ON HER????? - it's a song about a guy threatening to kill himself. At graduation. Yeah.

Bad taste I think.

But then again the taste of someone who puts unicorns on Darth Vader's head probably shouldn't talk about taste.

I can't believe Neil Gaiman is world is shaken...*sigh*

Now to bed for some much needed sleep.  "And though she's not really ill...." *hums*

graduation, parties

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