Apr 20, 2006 22:35
Quote of the Day:
D: *sees S*P ad* Should I buy a chainmail bra?
W: Do you WANT a chainmail bra?
D: I dunno, I did want to get myself some pretty clothes for graduation but I don't think chainmail would go well under my cap and gown.
Oddly that one wasn't sarcastic.
There's something very draining about writing. And there's something oddly dead about a written story.
I will post more on that when I'm not in the haze itself.
New Quote of the Day:
W: How's the homework coming.
D: Oh...kinda...eh. My story hit 30 pages.
W: How many is it supposed to be?
D: Fifteen...
W: Only twice. You just need to delete every other page. It'll make it even more surreal and subtle.
D: ... My teacher said I couldn't BE subtle because THE CLASS IS TOO DUMB!