Mar 31, 2006 22:38
So I made it to the graduation office to get my application done. They even accepted credit cards, something ASU doesn't do for tuition anymore. The lady gave me my honors cords too. Highest honors, a gold one and a maroon one.
Except I came to school without a bag ( I don't carry a purse and I didn't want my backpack weighing on me ) so I tied them around my waist to walk home. I walked home through the art fair to get noodles for lunch. It was kinda fun.
But you know, walking a mile home right after a procedure that left me shaking and on Vicodin was probably not the wisest course of action. I had to take more Vicodin (long worn off after waiting in lines to apply for graduation) and lay down for a couple hours after I got home. I spent most of this evening lying on the couch with a heating pad watching Back to the Future 2 and 3 with commentary with William attending me. He's been very nice and attentive.
Got my first professional rejection today, my manuscript I sent to Cemetery Dance came back. I don't think I'll frame it, but it's kinda a good feeling knowing I took a first step. Now to find the next one.
The present from William's parents and my parents both came today. My parents for some reason got me a DVD player, probably because I told them the story that I said at the time was years old that William broke our first one. And I also said three or four times that we got a new one since then that works relatively well. What can I say, my parents are stupid. They try to "surprise" me. I hate "surprises". I guess that it could be worse and mom could still be getting me things I expressly say I hate because I won't be expecting them.
William's parents kindly added to my supply of graphic novels. Nice wholesome american graphic novels. By Neil Freakin' Gaiman.
All in all it's kinda coming and going in waves from feeling lightlimbed, dizzy, and wounded to feeling relatively stable and upbeat.