Hazy Shade of Winter

Jun 11, 2008 09:56

I think Paul Simon had Seattle on his mind when he wrote the lyrics to Hazy Shade of Winter.  It's no surprise that the Puget Sound has rainy winters. Yes, that includes many cloudy and grey days but, the weather is quite moderate. It beats snowy winters. Well, that is my opinion anyway. However, when spring rolls around, it is hands down one of the most beautiful views in the world. Western Washington is a sight to behold. I would bet that spring and summer kept Lewis and Clark from becoming suicidal!

Unfortunately, this year, we have no spring to talk about. Which brings me to another Paul Simon song: Slip Slidin Away. It started with snowfall around Easter and has progressed into an October-like June. The forecasters are calling it Junuary! It's becoming downright depressing. I know my family; going through the massive heat wave in New York would most likely like to stick a foot up my bum right now. I'll take Seattle winter over grueling 105 F New York summer. I recall those heat waves when running through the street naked, suddenly became a good idea. I guess I shouldn't complain but, misery likes company. :)

It has been oddly quiet here for the last two days. I've also been exhausted. Maybe it's the weather or perhaps it's the lack of company. Most likely it's a mix of both. Micke and I just spent over a month visiting family and working on our fence. Have I mentioned Micke and our neighbor have been working on a fence around our homes? Our neighbors also had family and vacations this past month. We are all working on the fence in bits and pieces. It's not looking shabby either. When it's complete, everyone will have to stand back in awe and the guys will have the right to pat themselves on the back.

Off to pray to the sun gods,

"A lot of people like snow.  I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water."

- Carl Reiner
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