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Aug 08, 2007 21:56

so im going to try and use this livejournal again, although i dont think no one looks at it.  i guess this is a promise to myself beucase writting seems to get everyhtign out and just express youself more. and no matter what i always get things better typed/written out then in conversation.

so i had the freakiest dream last night, and i was somehtign when i first thought about it it didnt really mean anythign too inparticular to me. i knew what happened and yeah it caused me too miss some old things but no really badly. beucase well, what the fuck, it was just a dream i could barely rememeber.  but then all of a sudden out of no where it hits me like a door slamed in your face and i just wanted to cry or somehting. it was really strange and i have had powerful dreams like that before, but tnothing to make me think about my life as a while and just want to break downn and cry beucase of things i ahve not had the guts to do, like call someone after three years of not tlaking to them just beucase i was scared of their reaction, whihc is all bullshit, i shoulda ust called, know what i mean?

it seems to me EVERY end of summer i start a livejournal again. school starts and i lose time beucase of feild hockey and homework. lets see if i can get poast all that and keep up wiht it. hmmm.

summer reading is just a friggen blow. i ahve this 992 page book i ahve to read by aug. 29th, im on chapter four and youd think it would be pretty far in the book since the book has 18 chapters but now, im only on page 99. basically im an iddiot and didnt start earlier, but what the hell some peopel didnt even start yet so its all good. ive got the english portion down, jsut gotta sparknote the other half 2nd book.  sisters keeper was absolute amazing, first sumer reading i enjoyed. surprisingly enough it made me cry and really touched me.  the other history is basically done reading, i ahve one chapter left, but i ahve all the outlines to do. same with the 992 book, i ahve to do chapter reveiws which i ahve done, none.

im still working in boston on newbury street and its basically become my summmer life. so far im fine with that ive met some cool people, im learned a ton of life lessons im sure no one has learned yet and oprolly wont for another 5 years.  basically i love what im doing there and i have all the fun in the world. pretty pathetic i know, but it gives me joy so screw what you think. : )

...and in the end everything is ok.
yes, no matter what.
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