♥We walk around talking to complete strangers
Laughing for absolutely no reason
Act like we're 4 year olds
Have stupid fights that are over in 10 minutes
Attempt to dance how they do in the music videos
De-Pants each other in public
Have wars against bitches that hate us
Take stupid pictures for hours
and thats why were best friends
♥Always Listen too Your Heart.
cause even though its on the left. its always Right.
♥When you can't stop smiling after you talk to him
&& you still get butterflies..
&& that huge smile across your face everytime you see him
that lets you know that he will always mean something to you.x3
♥Been there and rocked that ; Just crank up the
volume && we can sing like superstars && dance
like we're famous with ripped jeans, popped
collars, && Huge sunglasses
c a u s e- t h a t s- h o w- w e- r o l l
♥«- - - - - - - - -»«- - - - - - - - - -»
(¯`×. N jUst whEn I tHoUgHt
tHaT I rAn OuT oF rEaSOnZ tO
{sMiLe} .... .:YoU:.CaMe aLoNg. x´¯)
«- - - - - - - - -»«- - - - - - - - - -»
♥Credit to