well i do belive im rather drunk.
im drinking green shit it can be good for ya health. a feel quite ill.
i got up early this mornin and went ta uni only to realize whena got there it was monday and a was off. was not impressed at all.
ive dinted the bathroom door im gonna get me arse kicked, or fined. arseholes.
anyways... i got dragged on a walk today in the fucking rain, set of bastards. a tell ya. stoped after a while then the sun came out but thats not the point. all coz big headded buggers wanted to take photos.
wheres me lighter???
its gone!!!
i find another...
no more green shit. i have red stuff now. its mank. YAK!!
and i got a blister on me foot. life smells!!!!
fuckin aftershock no the wonder.
whats the first symptoms of the black plague, i think i got it.
roflmao - buttercups
feck - arse - drink - girls
kinky ones!!!