Beazer2002: bush is a good man
^^ hes SO right.
But on to abortion. I mean, come on people. The gift of life is so precious. Why do we take this shit for granted? Thank you, President Bush for banning abortions past 12 weeks. Now maybe it'll take us another 40 years to make it illegal period.
this girl is my hero-
What is the reason for abortion? 95% of abortions are just for birth control. Why is this? The birth control pill isn’t hard to get at all. It only takes a trip to Planned Parenthood. Is it too expensive? They charge on a sliding scale. Are condoms so hard to get? No. They sell them at CVS for nothing compared to the $250,000 it will take to raise a child or the $250-500 it will cost to have an abortion. Why are 4000 women irresponsible enough to have a reason to abort every day? Protection is widely available, easy to use and incredibly affordable. If a woman doesn’t want to get pregnant and doesn’t want to play the birth control rate-of-failure lottery, it’s as simple as using condoms. If she wants to actually use the brain that she was given, she can use multiple forms of protection and avoid having sex during her fertile time of the month. If you’re not responsible enough to be a parent, I don’t care what you say but you are not responsible enough to be having sex. Sex isn’t as simple as “put piece A into slot B”. Sex doesn’t only give you pleasure. Sex gives you children. That’s what it’s made for. Nature has it so well calculated that the female orgasm causes the cervix to dip into the pool of sperm and therefore, increase the chance of conception. If you’re too stupid to use protection, you’re way too stupid to be having sex. I’ve seen far too many girls walk around the hallways with their stomach sticking out a foot. Yes, I applaud them for not aborting. On the other hand, I would gladly slap them and their boyfriends for getting into a situation that could potentially be risky. Any pregnancy can be avoided if the people engaging in the sexual activity have enough intelligence not to do anything without proper protection and proper backup. Don’t want a pregnancy? Simple. Use protection.
I couldnt have said it better. My friend Natalie just recently had an abortion. Danny could see the hurt in my eyes when I found out. He hugged me big an gave me a kiss on the cheek. I would never ever have an abortion. If im old enough to have sex then im old enough to have a baby.PLEASE any1 who reads this or anything. Don't have an abortion. Think about what if you were that baby? He/She could've been a future president. Or hell even your future spouse. An with abortion, they didnt stand a chance. =( Please feel free to comment an let it all out.
<3 Danielle *