Космический туризм

Aug 14, 2010 13:44

http://www.spaceadventures.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=about_us.welcome - если Вам пришла в голову идея создать свою компанию по космическому туризму, то вы немного опаздали, компания Space Adventures, основанная в 1998 году, уже занимается этим бизнесом и уже обеспечила коммерческие полеты для туристов.

Founded in 1998, Space Adventures, Ltd. is the world’s premier private space exploration company and the only company currently providing opportunities for actual private spaceflight and space tourism today. Using proven equipment and working side-by-side with professional astronauts and cosmonauts, we are the first and only company to have sent private clients to space. Our clients having cumulatively spent over two months aboard the International Space Station.

Space Adventures' mission is to open spaceflight and the space frontier to private citizens, and Space Adventures vision actually stretches far beyond space tourism. Our goal is to benefit not only the private citizens who fly to space, but help open up the resources of space for all of mankind. We continually aim to develop new spaceflight experiences that are exciting yet safe, and are constantly seeking new ways of arranging more reliable, affordable and safer access to the infinite resources of space!

Мне нравится, каков уровень организации у этой компании, с космонавтами NASA и Роскосмоса в Advisory Board, и поражает то, что они спокойно предлагают такие услуги, как Lunar Mission:

The Space Adventures team has designed a circumlunar mission using a unique combination of existing and flight tested Russian technology. This mission builds on space technology originally developed for manned lunar missions, and has been flown over decades as part of the world’s most successful human spaceflight program.

How will we get you there?

You will begin your journey to the far side of the moon by first launching aboard a Soyuz spacecraft.  Then, a subsequent launch will occur of an unmanned rocket booster.  Your spacecraft will rendezvous with this additional system in low-Earth-orbit.  The engagement of the two will provide your spacecraft with the required propellant to travel to the moon.  Once the firing of the booster is complete, the two systems will separate and you will continue on your majestic journey.

Что ж, для желающих осталось лишь накопить достаточную сумму для путешествия!
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