Harper's Cabinet

Feb 07, 2006 15:15

The background for Gordon O'Connor is what I find most shocking.

Yes, he passed up a woman that should have been a shoo-in.

Yes, he appointed a senator.

Yes, he recruited a Liberal Cabinet minister.

But a paid shill for Hill & Knowlton as Defence Minister? The company that receives money from those bidding on DND contracts? The same company that has handled PR for some of the world's most infamous tyrants, the same one that drummed up support for the first Gulf War with the Incubator Babies?

No doubt Mr. O'Connor will have a cushy job waiting for him when he exits public life, if he performs well for his pay masters.

So long as the NDP doesn't propose a compelling agenda for the forces, the debate will still be about how many death machines we need. Weak vision could let us dilute the meaning of peace-keeping to be any odd job the US wants us to do.

*edits: typos.

pr, incubator+babies, hill+&+knowlton, harper, politics

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