Time to learn Adwords: 609 minutes

Apr 18, 2007 23:03

Google has a "Google Advertising Professional" program, which has lots of perks. Since I'm now working for an advertising agency and interested in marketing and stats it was only natural I look into it. Among those perks, being able to give out up to 60 $100 vouchers to clients. So I'm ready to invest some time in this project.

There are teaching materials. I realized it would take quite a bit of time getting through it all. I am too lazy to count, and a guesstimate wouldn't cut it.

I copied and pasted the relevant section into the variable 'time' in IRB:
time.find_all {|line| line =~ /(\d+) min/}.collect {|line| line.match(/(\d+) min/)[1] }.inject(0) {|sum, item| sum + item.to_i }
=> 609

To qualify I also need to manage $1000 of advertising spend in a 90 day period and get a 75% grade on their exam, which costs $50 to take. This should be easy :)

irb, google, adwords, advertising

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