Due to a change in upper management within the New York Renaissance Faire, I have just received word that I have NOT BEEN REHIRED for the 2009 season.
They've actually booted alot of acts you knew and loved but right now, I'm talking about me and your outrage that I wont be there (I know you can feel it building up inside you. Don't hold back my special hell-mates).
You don't have to sit idly by and simply let this happen. Yes, you can indeed do something about it.
Get yourself, get everyone you know, get random strangers to write in to the New York Renaissance Faire and tell them you want to see Daniel GreenWolf in all his Bardic Magicy Goodness there!
Luckily for us, they make it fairly simple for people to do this. If you go to THIS webpage:
http://www.recfair.com/NY/interactive/feedback.php And choose the "Opinions" subject and then in the subject line write
"Daniel GreenWolf for NYRF 2009"
And you proceed to write your well-written, polite (but enraaaaaaged) feedback proclaiming that you loved seeing Daniel GreenWolf at NYRF in 2008 and would love to see him return so you can better enjoy NYRF.
If you're a fan of mine, if you go to the NY Ren Faire regularly, if you've only gone once or even thought of going, I need your help to make this work.
Now, for the more classic of you that want the sturdiness and physical gumption of an ACTUAL letter, write up your letter and send it to:
New York Renaissance Faire
600 Route 17A
Tuxedo, NY 10987
Thanks for your support. You all are extremely great for being fans and friends.
-Much love,
Daniel GreenWolf
P.S.- I give you a song for some inspiration: