Jan 03, 2005 11:32
just waiting for my grades to come in. i think i will pass all my courses.
i am very much looking forward to 2005.
2004: what a year. let's have a look....
recorded "cough"
quit black eyes
played in white flight
began studying classical guitar
began studying music theory
played in flowers
played three solo shows
played in baby bear
became generally a better improviser
learned a lot about music history
learned a lot about 20th century composition
learned a lot about eastern music
developed a much clearer sense of myself as a player
began to make music i really really like
stopped doing it for a little while
got into SFSU
took internet courses from mormons
wrote a speech that quotes menace clan: "i'm the anybody killer/white people killer"
learned about chaucer
learned about scales and relative minors
wrote poetry and short stories
this year was not so eventful for school, sadly
friends etc
moved into 14th steet
went to nyc with matt
briefly lived with jacob
very briefly lived with caroline
lunch with dan caldas
i don't know... lots of good times
ssb, the best job i've ever had
painting my parents place
also i broke my wrist, skipped out on rent one month, had that incident with the trash, ate at new orleans cafe, saw seven samurai at AFI, hung out with jacob in my parent's suv, was depressed for a couple months, spent more time by myself than i ever had before, started talking softly (apparently), quit drinking for three weeks, got married, listened to the new boredoms album, learned to drive, ate at vaces, rode my bike, moved in my parents, estudio number 5 and lagrima.