Mar 27, 2009 17:41

so this has been my life.

Tuesday I went in to work at 2:30, all the big bosses were there. My manager left crying. I freaked out. Something big went down and everyone thought she was going to be gone.

Wednesday was my day off, but since Pregnant Co-Worker is dialated she started Maternity Leave, and I covered the 8hr shift. Find out My manager isn't gone (YAY) but that the assistant manager and her sister have quit. FUCK!

Thursday - 8 hrs scheduled, worked 10 - half an hour early (ususal) an hour and a half late (paperwork, trash).

Tonight going in at 7p. Get off tomorrow morning at 7a. (WEE at least 12 hours)

Tomorrow (Saturday) go in at 8p, get off sunday morning at 7a. Go back in Sunday at 3p, get off at 11.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 3p-11p

FUCK so much work.

BUT: good news, next weekend I am off for 3 days solid - and it's my birthday! Let's see if I survive to see my 26th....

wtf, work

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