Tweets for Today

Mar 20, 2009 00:05

01:19 I AM SAD and angry at this from BPT - Could not connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) #

05:09 crap, 2 hours of sleep, woke up with a start, like from a bad dream, dreamt about work, my neck hurts #

06:06 yay! chatted with @afuna so I got the DW thing off my chest. just wish doing it to my lj was going to be easier #

06:33 Holy Crap, S2 heirarchal tags display works, still got some work to do though :P #

07:31 I think I've gotten myself sucked into lj tag editing again.... #

07:35 no, because lj doesn't have tag multiple entry functionality, and renaming a tag to comma seperated tags only renames to first tag #

07:37 Crap :( i deleted my custom layer contents and it deleted my custom css and my sticky post contents. luckily I saved css to txt file #

08:27 i need to waste time and I can't access BPT - sadness #

09:23 I'm supposed to have the weekend of my birthday off work (3rd-5th) so i'm making plans so that if I get called in I can say no LOL #

09:34 @ octopusouphut Sunday the 5th is my birthday - I don't know what I want to do for the big two-six #

09:35 is my new best friend, because i can't access BPT or SiS but that site says they are both up #

11:21 @ rocketgirl13 blogspot... why is everyone on BS when I'm on Wordpress? #

21:28 This weeks life lesson: why people kill. #

22:12 Why do my socks feel like they are falling down? I'm wearing ankle socks. #

22:14 Fun fact: my phone suggested rocks instead of socks. I lol'd #
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