Tweets for Today

Mar 19, 2009 00:05

00:13 oh itunes, I love your psychic powers... Came home to Fuel's Bad Day #

02:10 I scrapped again. Can't help it, free shop was open and took care of the Scrapping The Music Challenge. Link coming soon. #

02:11 i promised - #

04:10 Dreamwidth: tackle heirarchal tags! make 'a: b' tag both 'a' and 'a:b' and allow hierachal tag list in addition to cloud/list #

04:10 thats been running around my head for days, need to actually get it to someone active with DW #

06:01 Can't sleep, having to pee every 30 minutes... #

06:06 @ azurelunatic Dammit! now I have to get a BPT account #

06:21 now laughing hysterically at bpt! #

06:27 !azurelunatic i am fucking crying #

06:33 woah beautiful #

06:46 @ azurelunatic thank you for showing me that the internet was made for broken picture telephone #

07:03 @ azurelunatic indeed. i adore that the GH BPT you linked earlier was one I participated in. I didn't know it was finished #

07:23 i am never going to get to sleep #

07:44 I must stop playing BPT.... one more.... LOL then bed #

07:55 @ azurelunatic tentacles, octpus prevelant on BPT yes #

09:16 OH NOES! BPT is broken #

17:55 I feel like such an asshole. Phone died while i was asleep, late for work, missed txts #
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