beckigurl7's lead and starting this.
If I start today, I hope to have this list completed by Thursday October 6th, 2011.
1. Read one book I've never read every month.
January: The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde, Thursday Next: First Among Sequels by Jasper Fforde
In Progress: Something Rotten by Jasper Fforde
2. Save 3 months worth of rent ($1260).
3. See a movie in the Theater every other month.
4. Loose at least 40 lbs. (goal April, 2009)
In Progress:
bigloser2009 5. Get paid back by everyone who owes me money.
6. Take Photography Classes.
7. Create 1(one) Scrapbook page per month.
January -
Laugh Overdose 8. Join a group or club.
9. Start and Complete T-Shirt Quilt.
10. Get my back waxed professionally.
11. Visit a Chiropractor.
12. Visit a dermatologist.
13. Pay off debt.
14. Get the house in Dustin's name.
Closing on Wednesday November 25th, 2009
15. Try a new Wine every couple of months.
16. Visit a Winery / Wine Tasting.
17. Take a Vacation. (goal Spring Break 2010)
18. Do something Crazy. (mushrooms?)
19. Complete This List.
Progress: 1/3 complete 01/08/2009
Progress: 2/3 complete 01/10/2009
20. Finish a previously started literary work.
21. Get a new cellphone. (Samsung Blackjack II)
Ended up getting an iPhone
22. Get two matching computer monitors.
23. Find my Mother's yearbooks, read signatures/comments.
24. Organize Digital Music.
Still a daunting task, and I think I'm just going to start over once things calm down
25. Go on a Photo Excursion Once a Month
26. Backup Important Computer Files.
27. Archive all poetry to LJ.
28. Tag all LJ entries.
29. Get a Permanent LJ account.
30. Be in a relationship.
31. Send a snail mail letter once a month.
32. Be in a place where I would feel comfortable having/raising a child.
33. Get Promoted/Better Job.
YAY! Scrap ~N~ Crap
34. Karaoke Alone.
LJ Karaoke!
35. Take Dance Lessons.
36. Get a 2nd Tattoo.
Ethos on my Chest
37. Take the Lost River Cave Tour.
38. Hang out with the Brother more.
39. Do Lunch with Aunt Sherri.
Olive Garden Lunch / Shopping April 10th
40. Visit my Grandmother more often.
41. Visit Louisville.
Weekend trip April 4th/5th!
I've moved here!
42. Meet/Catch up with the Lou Write Crew.
Met Sekitou for one meeting, and nothing else, I fail
43. Make new Ringtones for my phone.
I've made so many for the new phone!
44. Find free webhosting/ Create a new site.
Hosting Found, Design in Progress. 45. Attend
Harley Drags.
46. Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity.
47. Watch Ten Movies I should have seen by now.
48. Watch/Read 10 things that any good gay man should have knowledge of (that I haven't previously).
49. Visit a tourist attraction I have no real desire to visit. (Graceland anyone?)
50. Visit/Photograph 5 Historical Sites in Bowling Green.
51. Meet 3 internet friends in person.
1/17/09 Met octopusouphut Planned /
Met beckigurl7 52. Fall in love, even if I get hurt.
53. Visit a psychiatrist/psychologist.
54. Actually tell someone in my family that I'm gay.
55. Attend a Wedding.
rocketgirl13 This will probably be fail :(
56. Get Published.
57. Try to Join Public Theater Group.
58. Write something for
genrechallenge 59. Participate more in
snapshot_seeker 60. Learn more about Adobe Premier.
61. Finish the Home Video Project from 2005.
62. Keep my Desk Clean for 2 weeks.
63. Get new ink for my printer.
Refilled at Walgreens
64. Update Facebook/Myspace Pictures once a Month.
65. Own a Cigarette Case.
66. Obtain and Maintain Auto Insurance for at least 6 months.
Policy Started April 30, 2009
67. Reach a point where All Laundry is Done at once.
68. Decrease the amount of shit in my life.
In Progress -
spreadsheet 69. Organize/Sell my Baseball Cards.
70. Use or Toss Keyboard Keys.
71. Use or Toss Bottle Caps.
72. Organize or Attend a Scrapbook Weekend event.
73. Stop Smoking.
counter-intuitive to #65
DONE! OMG I did it!
74. Make the top 10 commenters list in
beckigurl7's journal.
75. Live on less than $10(average) a day for 2 weeks (excluding bills)
not intentional, but i've done it
76. Donate a second box of stuff to Goodwill
77. Archive lj into docs by year, bind them as such
First, #27 and edit out crap posts
100. Inspire someone else to make a 101/1001 list.
101. Complete all 101 items on this list/Create new 101/1001 list.
This list is currently incomplete/in progress.
0 / 101
Feel free to make suggestions, offer to help with anything, or make your own list.