A happy post?

Jan 06, 2009 08:08

As i mentioned, I got called into work. Co-worker scratched her eye when opening a pouch of coffee.

It was DEAD DEAD DEAD most of the night, but as the sun rose, traffic increased. I left work with a massive amount of energy - though I have to go back in in 7 hours.

This morning was the first offical weigh in for bigloser2009. I weighed after I got home from work - 274lbs. Not a nice number, but not the worst it's ever been. This time last year I was sitting at 310lbs.

My goal is to have lost 30 lbs in 90 days, and hopefully have hit 230 lbs by my birthday in April.

The biggest problem I see as far as this goes, is eating habits, being able to afford to eat regular healthy meals, instead of being satisfied with what i can get my hands on.

I'm off to make a google docs spreadsheet to track my progress, and do some research on something - even though I really should get in bed. I'm super hyped.

work, health, bigloser2009

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