Real Entry?

Apr 16, 2008 23:39

How long has it been since you have seen anything of meaning from me?  Its been almost two weeks and all you've seen in that time is Twitter, Header Playing, Song Lyrics, a Birthday Boys update, and a chronicling of a dream.  NOT GOOD.

So here's what's been going on in my life.  In greater detail.

Biggest news.  Interviewed for and got a job at a Jr. Foods.  I don't know how far the JF reaches but in case you don't know that is a convenience store/gas station.  I've only worked three days so far, but I'm enjoying every bit of it.  I have also interviewed for a second job at my apartment complex.  It took just over a month after turning my application in to actually get an interview.  I think it went well and I should know if I got the job by the end of the week.

I can't really thing of anything else of note to talk about so the rest may be a bit boring and random.

I cut my hair, and I'm proud of it, I look more clean cut and younger.  Not that I feel old, I mean I am only just 25.
Been participating in most of my creative communities - himym_icontest, ventureicontest, snapshot_seeker
I'm smoking again.  Cigarettes are bad, but I NEED them.  I never thought it would get as bad as it has.  I have no intention of actively quitting, but It may happen.
Occasionally adding songs to my Mediafire Music Folder.  So if you want some fun stuff check that out.
Working out and tanning has kinda waned but I haven't given up totally.  When I have time and the office gym isn't in use I lift - The wall of windows in the gym still gets to me and i get all self conscious.  and Tanning always makes me feel good.  I feel like I look better and honestly that was the whole purpose, the healthy aspect was just a perk.

I need to start remembering to actually give you guys updates like this more often since twitter dumps can seem a bit impersonal.

I feel like my life is picking up and I'm starting to get in gear.  (about time) but I always feel like one aspect of my life is missing.  I can't seem to have a job and a relationship at the same time.  I am actually thinking about going back to school.  There is a 2yr school close by that may have a decent web-design program that I want to check in to.

My biggest stress right now is that I need to get auto-insurance and my vehicle registration done by the end of the month and I know I'm not going to be able to get my hands on the $240 I need.  and if I miraculously do I won't have money to live on.  I may have to indebt myself further to my brother just so I can get it done and get THAT off my shoulder.  I get paid weekly, and I think I can pay off what I already owe him + this extra (if i do it) in 3 weeks easy.  I just hate needing to ask.  Life must go on and we must do what we must to go on with it.

update, work, school, mediafire, health, money, music

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