Jan 04, 2007 12:09
Well now lemme see here........
It has been a long tiering year and I am happy it is in the past. I can’t say I have ever worked so hard, stressed out so much and spread myself so thin in all my life. I hope to never have to do that again.
Between the craziness of work and not having a bookkeeper and being the only one to do a million things at once; and
The everyday family issues... the new baby... not being able to live with my dogs until the new house has been completed... dealing with being so far away from the family and friends that I care about; and
Of course, lest we forget, there are the various burdens that Katrina has left me dealing with....the old house... the new house... how am I going to pay off my old mortgage... how am I going to afford my new mortgage... the loss of my old car... the accident with the only car we had... the purchase of a new car... balancing the finances... how to spend it... what was ok to spend it on... the new expenses that come with having a baby... all the things I had to pay in advance for the new house;
Dealing with people and how their true colors certainly shown through what they are masquerading themselves to be before the storm took place (you truly do have to place yourself out of your element in order to see people for what they really are) ... letting go of past friendships that were not what they seemed to be... discovering wonderful friends that were right there in front of me.; and
The infamous::::::: not being happy with myself and/or my appearance.... dealing with the fat that having a baby left me with... being out of shape... not having the time to take care of myself!
I could go on and on and on, write for days, weeks and months about everything that I have gone through, witnessed or been a part of. This year has truly opened my eyes to many things. My priorities have changed and my outlook on life is far from what it was before. I am certain my personality has changed also however I am not sure if it was for better or worse. You would have to ask the people around me about that one.
At this point and time the issues in my life have certainly settled down to a light simmer. Everything in the pot is now caramelized and at the final stages before consumption. My new house will be done in two weeks (which also means I will be able to get my dogs back). LRA has contacted me with a closing date for the grant money that will pay off my old mortgage and finally I will be rid of my old property in St. Bernard. I have a new car and Chris’ car is fixed and looking great. My thick-n-thin friends are by my side and aren’t living far from me too boot! SBA and I have reached the end of a long 15 month road and we are now going to negotiate the final mortgage for my new home. The baby is happy, healthy and living like a king!
The resolution for this new year that I have set for myself is generic, for lack of a better word. BUT! I am finally able to dedicate some time to myself. I have started a rigorous diet and exercise program and I am certain I will be back on track with health and fitness sooner than later.